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Panduan Prosedur Tindakan Terapi Paliatif Pada Kanker Serviks

Perawatan paliatif adalah perawatan yang dilakukan secara aktif pada penderita yang sedang sekarat atau dalam fase terminal akibat penyakit yang dideritanya. Pasien sudah tidak memiliki respon terhadap terapi kuratif yang disebabkan oleh keganasan ginekologis. Perawatan ini mencakup penderita serta melibatkan keluarganya.

Terapi paliatif bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita kanker pada stadium terminal. Upayanya adalah dengan pencegahan, deteksi dini, serta mengatasi gejala dan masalah psikososial.
Pedoman terapi paliatif sebaiknya digunakan untuk meningkatkan harapan hidup dan terapi antikanker paliatif jika prognosis hidupnya tinggal 1 tahun atau kurang.
Indikator yang potensial adalah pasien pada akhir tahun masa hidupnya termasuk penurunan keadaan umum (ECOG >3 atau karnofsky 50) hiperkalsemia, metastasis ke SSP, sindrom vena kava superior, kaekeksia, efusi ganas, gagal hati, gagal ginjal, atau kondisi komorbiditas lain yang berat. Kriteria skrining terakhir adalah permintaan khusus untuk terapi paliatif.
Pasien atau keluarga menolak. Prosedur Tindakan
Manajemen yang dilakukan adalah:
- Perawatan untuk mencegah timbulnya gejala serta keluhan klinis, dan langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya
- Penanggulangan nyeri
- Penanganan praktis masalah klinis perawatan paliatif
- Memberikan dukungan emosional, sosial, dan spiritual
Perawatan untuk mencegah timbulnya gejala serta keluhan klinis, dan langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya:
1. Nutrisi
- Melakukan intervensi program pengaturan nutrisi yang adekuat untuk mengurangi gejala penyakit, meningkatkan kenyamanan, mencegah atau sebagai terapi malnutrisi.
- Manajemen nutrisi yang diberikan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup dengan cara mengurangi gejala hipoproteinemia dan mengurangi edema perifer sehingga dapat memaksimalkan stamina.
- Mempertimbangkan: cara pemberian makanan, masalah psikologis dan klinis, serta yang penting adalah ekonomis. Cara pemberian bila memungkinkan adalah enteral dan bila tidak adalah parenteral. Pemberian deksametason atau progesteron sebagai stimulasi nafsu makan dapat dipertimbangkan walaupun hasilnya sangat terbatas.
2. Terapi oksigen
- Memberikan wawasan tentang pemanfaatan oksigen secara efektif
- Memberikan petunjuk teknis perawatan peralatan oksigenasi
3. Pengobatan simtomatik
- Pendekatan terhadap keluhan nyeri ataupun keluhan
lainnya, berdasarkan tahapan eveluasi berkala pada pasien
- Terapi individu: bisaberupa terapi fisikatau psikologis, dan farmakologis ataupun nonfarmakologis
- Supervisi: pencatatan rencana terapi, riwayat terapi, perjalanan penyakit, hasil evaluasi, dll.
4. Rehabilitasi
- Membawa dan membimbing penderita untuk mencapai pemenuhan kualitas hidup sampai akhir hayatnya
- Melakukan upaya reintegrasi dari kondisi fisik, psikis, sosial, dan spiritual untuk menuju kesatuan yang harmonis sehingga adaptasi terhadap kehidupan setelah mengalami sakit atau trauma dapat diperoleh
5. Psikoterapi
- Melakukan penilaian terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya gangguan psikososial
Panduan Pelayanan Medik Model Interdisiplin Penatalaksanaan Oleh Dr. Imam Rasjidi, Sp.OG(K)

A Class Placement Test B
A Class School of English Placement Test B
This test is to make sure we place you in a class that is the correct level for you.
You have 45 minutes to complete as much of this test as possible. The test starts
out easy and then becomes more difficult. Choose the best answer.
1. What’s _____ name?
    A) you B) she C) your D) yours
2. A “________did you arrive in Malta?” B “Last night.”
    A) How B) When C) Where D) What time
3. A Did you _____ the online test? B Yes I did.
    A) make B) have C) take D) made
4. Wow! How _____ CD’s do you have?
    A) many B) much C) few D) manys
5. Would you like_____ coffee?
    A) an B) many C) some D) much
6. My host family’s house is _____ the supermarket and the petrol station.
    A) under B) off C) among D) between
7. The temperature in Malta never goes_______ zero.
    A) beneath B) under C) off D) below
8. He was married ten years________.
    A) before now B) long ago C) ago D) now
9. I would like an ice-cream for _____ please.
    A) dessert B)desert C) deserts D) assert
10. My friend Alan doesn’t ______ how to speak German, can we speak English
     A) now B) no C) know D) knowing
11. I don’t have to do_____ today.
     A) nothing B) its C) anything D) somethings
12. Malta is famous for its fantastic_______ .
     A) weather B) wether C) weder D weathere
13. Maria is married ____ my friend Pierre.
      A) with B) for C) to D) into
14. Excuse me, I was wondering if you could_____ help me, I’m lost. I’d like to
go to Valletta. Where is the nearest bus stop?
     A) probably B) easily C) likely D) possibly
15. I _______ to my brother’s wedding next week.
     A) am go B) will go C) going D) am going
16. What would you like to_____ with sir?
      A) consume B) engage C) tackle D) start
17. I_____ the soup please.
      A) want B) ‘ll have C) am D) am wanting
18. Have you ever______ in an airplane before?
      A) fled B) flowed C) flown D) flying
19. I am not driving tonight because I’ve had four beers and that’s quite a _____
     A) lots of B) many C)few D)lot
20. I think Radiohead is ________ band in the world.
    A) better B) the bestest C) the better C) the best
21. I’ve been ______ a lot of pain these last few days. I’ve got a toothache.
    A) on B) with C) over D) in
22. You need to ______ up your mind and take a decision.
    A) Do B) get C) put D) make
23. If you want to improve your English, you_____ practice talking in English.
    A) always B) should be C) had to C) ought to
24. A Class is close to Paceville, you can go there _____ .
    A) by walk B) by foot B) on walk C) on foot
25. Don’t be put_____ by his tattoo’s and beard. He is really friendly.
    A) away B) up C) off D) down
26. I have very______ skin, it burns very easily.
    A) sensible B) fairs C) sensitive D) insensitive
27. I _______ my best friend Angelica for 10 years.
    A) have know B) know C) have been knowing D) have known
28. You ______ take an umbrella with you to Malta in summer as it hardly ever
    A) must B) needn’t C) can’t D) don’t must
29. If they had waited for Klaus, they______late.
    A) would have been B) would be C) were to be D) would to be
30. When water is cold, it _______.
    A) froze B) has frozen C) freezes D) gets freezed
31. If he decides to try Timpana, a typical Maltese food he _______ it. It’s
   A) will regret B) is regretting C) not regret D) won’t regret
32. She ________ to send some e-mails after school.
   A) must B) has C) need D) wants to
33. Look at the camera Mario, I want to ______ a photo! Say cheese!
   A) have B) make C) do D) take
34. I’ve been in Malta learning English______ last Monday.
   A) since B) up to C) until D) on
35. My hair looks terrible. I really need_______
   A) to be cutting my hair B) to cut my hair C) to get my hair cut
D)to get cut my hair

Go to the next page
A Class Placement Test B
Choose the best word to fit in the text

Sleeping properly is important for everyone. The actual (36)_______ of sleep you
need depends (37)_______ your age. Children (38))______ to sleep between ten to
twelve hours, and teenagers about nine hours. Adults differ a lot in their sleeping
(39)_______. Normally, seven to eight hours of sleep a night is (40)_______,
however some people only need about four hours.
Having a comfortable (41)_______ to sleep in essential. There should also be
(42)_______ of fresh air. If you are having problems sleeping, a warm milky drink
can help. It is not a good idea to drink coffee or it may keep you up.
(43)________you are travelling a long distance, try to go to bed earlier than usual
the day before the (44)_______ as this will help you feel less tired when you
36. A) size B) number C) amount D) sum
37. A) to B) at C) on D) in
38. A) need B) could C) should D) want
39. A) ways B) habits C) actions D) manners
40. A) much B) many C) several D) plenty
41. A) point B) position C) place D) pillow
42. A) much B) many C) plenty D) several
43. A) since B) should C) if D) after
44. A) journey B) voyage B) call D) visit

Read the text and choose the best answer for each space.

Researchers who study identical twins who have been separated at (45)______ and
had been looked (46)_______ by different families found some (47)_______ results.
The separated twins were often similar, not only in (48) _______ but also in
intelligence and their personalities.
One famous set of twins were reunited at the age of forty. They were (49)_______
called Bob and (50)_______ a great deal in common. These brothers ,who (51)
______ part in the study, also drove the same model of car and both had a dog
called Bruce. They also worked as estate agents and married and divorced a
woman called Linda before remarrying a woman called Elizabeth. These
remarkable coincidences occur so often that it is (52)______ to simply say they
happened because of (53) ______.
45. A) beginning B) first C) birth D)start
46. A) out B) for C) at D) after
47. A) disgraceful B) shocking C) surprising D) insulting
48. A) look B) appearance C) form D) sight
49. A) each B) also C) neither D) both
50. A) had B) were C)did D) made
51. A) held B) took C) played D) came
52. A) illegal B) illiterate C) illegible D) illogical
53. A) occasion B) possibility C) chance D) an opportunity

Choose the correct word for each space
54) If you offer me chocolates, I will gladly_______ them (55)_______ the violet
ones which I can’t stand.
(56) She had a _______ for organization.
(57) If a ship is sinking it can let off a ______ to catch other ships’ attention.
(58) When they showed the slow______ replay you could see the played had

touched the ball with his hand.
59 I’m glad to see you’ve recovered from your stomach______.
60 For some museums and galleries in Malta there is a small admission______.
54. A) accept B) except C) 0 D)0
55. A) accept B) except C) 0 D)0
56. A) flair B) flare C) 0 D)0
57. A) flair B) flare C) 0 D)0
58. A) movement B) motion C)change D) shift
59. A) condition B) disease C)bug D) illness
60. A) charge B) cost C) rate D) price


33. D
34. D
35. B
36. C
37. C
38. A
40. D
41. A
42. D
43. D
44. A
54. A
55. B
56. A
58. B
59. B
60. D